Village News & Events

- Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
September 12, 2022
Notice of Public Hearing on the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) project - Monday, September 12, 2022 at 6:50pm at the Village Hall. read more details - Grievance Policy
December 22, 2021
This Grievance Procedure is established to meet the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). It may be used by anyone who wishes to file a complaint alleging discrimination on the basis of disability in the provision of services, activities, programs, or benefits by the Village of Rushville Employment related complaints of disability discrimination are covered elsewhere, in policies available from the human resources office of the Village of Rushville.
The complaint should be in writing and contain information about the alleged discrimination such as name, address, phone number of complainant and location, date and description of the problem. No particular format of the complaint is required. Alternative means of filing complaints, such as personal interviews or a tape recording of the complaint, will be made available for persons with disabilities upon request.
The complaint should be submitted in writing by the grievant and/or his/her designee as soon as possible but no later than 60 calendar days after the alleged violation to:
Jeannie Kesel
1 South Main Street, PO Box 51
Rushville, NY 14544
Within 15 calendar days after receipt of the complaint, the ADA Coordinator or his/her designee will meet with the complainant to discuss the complaint and the possible resolutions. Within 15 calendar days of the meeting, the ADA Coordinator or his/her designee will respond in writing, and where appropriate, in a format accessible to the complainant, such as large print, Braille, or audio tape. The response will explain the position of the Village of Rushville and offer options for substantive resolution of the complaint.
If the response by the ADA Coordinator or his/her designee does not satisfactorily resolve the issue, the complainant and or his/her designee may appeal the decision within 15 calendar days after receipt of the response to the agency head or his/her designee.
Within 15 calendar days after receipt of the appeal, the agency head or his/her designee will respond in writing, and, where appropriate, in a format accessible to the complainant, with the agency’s final resolution of the complaint, or indicating that the matter has been returned to the ADA Coordinator for further action. If further response is indicated, the complainant will be contacted within 15 calendar days.
All written complaints received by the ADA Coordinator or his/her designee, appeals to the agency head or his/her designee, and responses from these two offices will be retained by the Village of Rushville for at least three (3) years.
- 2022 Village Elections
December 15, 2021
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the next annual election of the Village of Rushville will be held on Tuesday, March 15, 2022. The offices to be voted on are as follows: Trustee – 4 year term
Notice Given By: Jeannie Kesel, Village Clerk-Treasurer
Date: December 15, 2021
- Public Hearing Notice - Local Law
October 18, 2021
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Village Board of Trustees
of the Village of Rushville will hold a
public hearing relating to a proposed local law to allow the keeping of chickens in the Village. Said hearing will be held on Monday October 18, 2021 at 6:50 PM at the Village Hall located at 1. S. Main Street, Rushville, NY. For more information contact: Jeannie Kesel, Clerk Treasurer, Village of Rushville, 585-554-3415
- Request for Qualifications Bid
September 1, 2021
Request for Qualification and Proposals for
Village of Rushville
Water System Improvements
Preliminary Engineering Grant Study - Water System Evaluation
The Village of Rushville was recently awarded a 2020 NYS CDBG Grant to develop a Preliminary Engineering Report for the Village’s drinking water needs. The Village would like an engineering study to evaluate the presence of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) in the public water supply. A Preliminary Engineering Report will be developed to identify intermunicipal interconnections for emergency repose, as well as creative treatment enhancements, such as activate carbon filtration, to prevent future HABs-related problems.
The study should focus on the Diatomaceous Earth (DE) filtration plant, owned and operated by the Village, which sources its water directly from Canandaigua Lake. In 2018, the Village detected elevated concentrations of Cyanotoxins Microcystin-LR (MCLR) leaving the filter plant due to the presence of Blue Green Algae, with the issuance of a “Do Not Drink Water” advisory, putting many at risk.
The presence of HABs in Canandaigua Lake has intensified over the past five years, and the water treatment facility is not currently equipped to handle it, presenting health risks to the entire community. This project will evaluate treatment alternatives for the purpose of mitigating HABs to ensure clean, safe, and reliable drinking water for current and future residents and businesses.
Request of Qualifications for Engineering Consultants
The Village is seeking Statements of Qualifications from qualified engineering consultants to assist the Village in the study. The Village will select a firm and negotiate an engineering services contract to prepare a Preliminary Engineering Report for the Village’s drinking water needs. If your firm is interested in assisting the Village with said report, please provide the following information:
Scope of Services:
(1) Describe your firm’s experience in providing Preliminary Engineering Reports for drinking water needs with various municipalities
(2) Describe the organization and management effort within the firm
(3) Identify the person you propose to prepare the Preliminary Engineering Report and include the resume of said individual(s)
(4) Describe the specific engineering services that your firm will provide to assist the Village of Rushville in the study process
The selection of the engineering consultant will be based on the qualifications of the firm and the staff team to be assigned to the Village for this study. The following criteria will be utilized in evaluating the credentials of each firm responding to this request: successful performance in providing engineering services for similar projects; the extent of experience attained by the person proposed to prepare the Preliminary Engineering Report and other staff persons proposed to be assigned; familiarity with the rules to regulations of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program; technical resources available with the firm to carry out the assignment; and, the availability of these resources to the Village of Rushville. The Village will negotiate a fee for services with the preferred firm. If an agreement cannot be reached, the Village will meet with the firm rated second and will attempt to negotiate a mutually acceptable fee for the scope of services to be provided. The relative weight of each criterion to be used by the Village in evaluating proposals will be as follows:
(1) Successful experience on similar projects (past performance) 5
(2) Technical capability and financial resources
(Qualifications of personnel and financial stability to respondent organization) 4
(3) Availability of staff resources (commitment of personnel) 4
(4) CDBG experience 2
Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprises and Section 3 firms are encouraged to submit Statements of Qualifications for engineering services.
Three copies of the RFQ/P are to submitted to the address indicated below no later than 3:00 p.m. local time October 5, 2021.
Ms. Regina Kesel
Village Clerk/Treasurer
Village of Rushville
One Main Street
PO Box 51
Rushville, New York 14544
The Village reserves the right to conduct or waive interviews at its discretion depending upon the experience and qualifications received from each consultant. In addition, the Village may choose at its sole discretion to solicit separate qualifications and designate another consultant for any of the individual projects undertaken.
No contact regarding this solicitation with any Village employee or its representatives will be allowed during the solicitation.
- Public Hearing CDBG
June 14, 2021
Notice of Public Hearing
Village of Rushville, New York
The Village of Rushville, New York will hold a public hearing on June 14th, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. at the Village Hall, 1 South Main Street for the purpose of hearing public comments on the Village of Rushville’s current Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) project: Project Number 1008PR160-18, Village of Rushville Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvement Project with CDBG funding of $1,000,000. The CDBG program is administered by the New York State Office of Community Renewal (OCR) and provides resources to eligible local governments for housing, economic development, public facilities, public infrastructure and planning activities, with the principal purpose of benefitting low/moderate income persons. The hearing will provide further information about the progress of the ongoing CDBG project. Comments related to the effectiveness of administration of the CDBG project will also be received at this time. The hearing is being conducted pursuant to Section 570.486, Subpart I of the CFR and in compliance with the requirements of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended.
The Village Hall is accessible to persons with disabilities. If special accommodations are needed for persons with disabilities, those with hearing impairments, or those in need of translation from English, those individuals should contact Regina Kesel, Village Clerk at (585) 554-3415 or in person at 1 South Main Street, at least one week in advance of the hearing date to allow for necessary arrangements. Written comments may also be submitted by mail to Regina Kesel, Village Clerk, 1 South Main Street, Rushville, New York 14544 or by email at until June 14th, 2021 at 7:00 p.m.
- Public Hearing - Planning Board
May 19, 2021
Village of Rushville Planning Board
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Rushville Planning Board
will hold a public hearing pursuant to Article XVII Section 17 (F)
of the Zoning Ordinance on the following matters:
21 Douglas Dr. Tax Map # 156.17-1-19.100,
Chad & Melanie Hunt for Site Plan review relating to the
construction of a single-family home at that location and to discuss other business as determined by the Chair. Said hearing will be held on Wednesday May 19 at 5:30 PM at the Village Hall located at 1. S. Main Street, Rushville, NY
For more information contact:
Jeannie Kesel, Clerk Treasurer, Village of Rushville
- Dollar General Proposal
April 15, 2021
Date: April 15, 2021
To: Village Residents
From: David Le Clair, Mayor, Village of Rushville
Re: Proposed Development Gorham Rd. South Side
The Village will be receiving a proposal to develop the parcel adjacent to the Gorham / Rushville municipal boundary. The development includes a 9100 square-feet “Retail Variety Store”, also known as a dollar type store, related site work, and parking to accommodate customer vehicles. The purpose of this memo is to alert you for an opportunity to view the informational meeting on May 10, 2021 at 7:00 PM by the developer’s representative. Most likely the Village will review a formal application and hold a Public Hearing in the near future if allowed to proceed. The development, would require an amendment to our zoning law changing the existing parcel from residential to commercial. I suggest you visit the Village Web site for updates on future meetings. Please feel free to contact me at 554-3415 if you have any questions.
- Rushville Hose Co. Chicken BBQ
August 1, 2020
11 am till chicken is gone. - Public Hearing
July 13, 2020
Notice of Public Hearing
Village of Rushville, New York
The Village of Rushville, New York will hold a public hearing on July 13, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. at Village Hall, 1 South Main Street, for the purpose of hearing public comments on the Village of Rushville community development needs, and to discuss the possible submission of one or more Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Community Planning applications for the 2020 program year.
The CDBG program is administered by the New York State Office of Community Renewal (OCR), and will make available to eligible local governments approximately $20 million based on the 2019 guidance for housing, economic development, public facilities, public infrastructure, and planning activities, with the principal purpose of benefitting low/moderate income persons. The hearing will provide further information about the CDBG program and will allow for citizen participation in the development of any proposed grant applications and/or to provide technical assistance to develop alternate proposals. Comments on the CDBG program or proposed project(s) will be received at this time. The hearing is being conducted pursuant to Section 570.486, Subpart I of the CFR and in compliance with the requirements of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended.
The Village Hall is accessible to persons with disabilities. If special accommodations are needed for persons with disabilities, those with hearing impairments, or those in need of translation from English, those individuals should contact Joanne Burley, Village Clerk, at (585) 584-3415 or in-person at 1 South Main Street, at least one week in advance of the hearing date to allow for necessary arrangements. Written comments may also be submitted by mail to Joanne Burley, Village Clerk, 1 South Main Street, Rushville, New York, 14544 or by email at until July 13, 2020, at 7:00 p.m.
- Interested in Volunteering at The Reading Center?
June 30, 2020
See Dodie Baker at the library for more information on how you can help! - Rushville Bicentennial
November 30, -0001
Yates County 200-year bicentennial celebration in Rushville was a huge success! -