Village Laws

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Local Law 2-2013
A local law to amend Local Law 2-2011, Zoning Law for the Village of Rushville.Local Law 1-2013
A local law to override the tax levy limit established in general municipal law Section 3-C.Local Law 1-2012
A local law to override the tax levy limit established in general municipal law Section 3-C.Local Law 2-2011
A Local Law:A. To lessen congestion in the streets; to secure safety from various dangers; to prevent overcrowding of land; to conserve value of structures and land; to provide adequate water, streets, roads, parks; to regulate density of population, location and use of land and structures; to establish certain districts.
B. To accomplish such purposes: to appoint a Zoning Board of Appeals, administrative officers and provide for the administration and enforcement of this Law under the appropriate State and Local Laws that it may enact from time to time.
Local Law 1-2011
A local law to regulate and control the spread and growth of grass, weeds, and brush.
Local Law 3-2010
A local law to establish rules, regulations, and rates for the conveyance and sale of water to the water customers of the Village of Rushville.
Local Law 2-2010
A local law to regulate and limit the making and creating of disturbing, excessive or offensive noises within the jurisdictional limits of the Village of Rushville.
Local Law 1-2010
A local law to extend the terms of office for all elected officials and the appointed office of clerk-treasurer and to hold elections only in even numbered years.
Local Law 4-2009
A local law to set terms of office for Planning Board Members.
Local Law 3-2009
A local law to amend Local Law 1-2009 which was enacted to provide real property tax exemption for real property owned by person 65 years of age or over as defined in Section 467 of the Real Property Law.
Local Law 2-2009
A local law to amend Local Law 1-1996, which provides for real property tax exemption for veterans as defined in Section 458-a of the Real Property Tax Law.
Local Law 1-2009
A local law to provide real property tax exemption for real property owned by persons 65 years of age or over as defined by Section 467 of the Real Property Tax Law.
Local Law 4-2008
A local law to amend local law 2-2006, which regulates open burning and emissions of hazardous smoke within the Village of Rushville.
Local Law 3-2008
A local law to amend local law 2-2008 which prohibits the use of skateboards, roller skates and in-line skates.
Local Law 2-2008
A local law prohibiting the use of skateboard, roller skates, and in-line skates on public ways in the Village of Rushville and Village Parking Lot.
Local Law 1-2008
A local law to provide for the administration and enforcement of the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building CodeLocal Law 2-2006
A local law to regulate open burning and emissions of hazardous smoke within the Village of Rushville.Local Law 1-2006
A local law to regulate and control the parking of motor vehicles within the streets of the Village of Rushville.Local Law 2-2005
A local law to regulate unsafe buildings and structures.Local Law 1-2005
A local law to provide for enforcement of and penalties for violation of the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code and The New York State Uniform Property Maintenance code in the Village of Rushville, Ontario and Yates Counties, New York.Local Law 1-1998
A local law to establish a curfew for minors in the Village of Rushville, Ontario and Yates Counties, New York.Local Law 2-1997
A local law to amend the Zoning Law of the Village of Rushville relating to regulation of multifamily dwellings.Local Law 1-1997
A local law relating to the termination of the status of the Village of Rushville as an assessing unit for village real property tax purposes.Local Law 1-1996
A local law to establish maximum levels of exemptions for military veterans from real property tax assessments pursuant to Real Property Tax Law Section 458-ALocal Law 1-1995
A local law expanding the residency requirements for village justice and acting village justice.Local Law 1-1989
A local law amending section 3.2 of the flood damage prevention local law.Local Law 2-1987
A local law to minimize public and private losses due to flood conditions in specific areas and to promote the public health, safety, and general welfare of the residents of Rushville.Local Law 1-1986
A local law providing for sewer use in the Village of Rushville.Local Law 1-1985
A local law to establish residency requirements for Village employees.Local Law 2-1984
A local law to maintain existing Veterans exemptions.Local Law 1-1980
A local law regulating open beverage containers in the Village of Rushville, New York.