Village FAQ

When are Village Board meetings held?
- The 2nd Monday of the month at 7:00pm at the Village Hall, unless the 2nd is a federal holiday, then the meeting is held of the 3rd Monday.
What do I need to do to speak at a Village Board meeting?
- Contact the Clerk by 12:00noon the Friday before the Board meeting and asked to placed on the agenda.
I received a traffic ticket in the Village of Rushville, who do I contact?
- Your ticket should indicate which town or county you were in when the citation was issued. Town of Potter (Yates County) call (585) 554-6758 OR Town of Gorham (Ontario County) call (585) 526-6298.
Where do I register my dog?
- Dogs are registered with Town Clerks only! Please visit your Town office to register your dog.
When does fall leaf pick up begin?
- Fall leaf pick does not have an exact start date. It depends on the weather and when the leaves start to fall off the trees. Generally leaf pick up takes place from the middle of October to the middle of November.
How do I report a street light outage?
- You can either provide the Village Clerk with the address nearest to the street light pole and she will report it OR you can visit and report it under "Outages - Street Lights".
Does the Village collect brush?
- Unfortunately at this time we do not. However, residents of the Town of Potter can take brush to the Clean Up Days sponsored by the Town. Residents of the Town of Gorham can take brush to the transfer station where garbage and recycling is also disposed of.
When are the Potter Clean Up Days?
- Clean Up Days are held twice per year on the last Saturday in April and October. For more information please contact the Town of Potter, (585) 554-6758.
My sink and/or bathtub are backing up, what should I do?
- In most situations there is probably a clog somewhere in your house and it is not associated with your sewer tank. However, if after you snake your lines, you are still having issues contact the Village Office and Village personnel will check your tank to see if there is an issue the Village needs to handle.
When are water/sewer bills due?
- Water and sewer bills are mailed quarterly by the 1st of January, April, July and October. Charges for water and sewer are issued on the same bill. Payments are due by the 15th of the month. A 10% penalty is applied thereafter. This penalty is only charged once. All outstanding accounts must be cleared by the 25th of March (or the Friday before if the 25th falls on a Saturday or Sunday) or they will be relevied onto the Village Tax Roll for the following June. Each account relevied will receive a $100 fee for the relevy of water charges and a $100 fee for the relevy of sewer charges.
When are Village taxes due?
- Village tax bill are mailed by June 1st of each year and are due by the end of the first business day in July without penalty. After such date there is a graduated penalty scale of 5% for July, 6% for August, 7% for September, 8% for October and 9% for the first business day in November ONLY. Any tax that remains unpaid at the beginning of the second business day in November is returned to the appropriate County for relevy onto the January Town/County Tax Roll.
Can I get a duplicate copy of my tax bill and/or receipt?
Yes, simply call or e-mail the Village Office. Your duplicate bill or receipt can be mailed, faxed or e-mailed to you.
Why does the Village have two different tax rates?
- The Village is located in two towns and two counties. Ontario County (Gorham) shares the sales tax revenue they collect with the local municipalities, while Yates County (Potter) does not. The sales tax received from Ontario County can only legally be used to lower the tax rate for Ontario County residents. When preparing the budget, the tax levy is apportioned to each side of the Village according to percentage of taxable property. The tax levy for the Ontario (Gorham) side is then reduced by the amount of projected sales tax revenue. The balance is then the true tax levy collected from the Ontario residents. The Yates County (Potter) side unfortunately does not have this benefit and the tax levy percentage apportioned is the amount that must be collected from the residents.