Village Profile

The Village of Rushville was incorporated April 24, 1866. Then we were reincorporated a couple of years later do to the change of law during that time. This is 150+ years of local service and adding more every year!!
We are part of the Town of Potter and Town of Gorham.
What you can find in the Village of Rushville....
-General Store
-General Store/Hardware/Gas Station
-Post Office
-Insurance Agent
-Health Clinic/Dentist
-Hair Dresser
-Auto Repair Shop
-Laundry Mat
-Dog Groomer
-Park/Walking Trails
-Fire Station
-History Room
-Village Hall
- Home businesses
And a person at the Village Office during open hours.
(If I have left something out, please let me know.)
Thanks for all the wonderful people that make up the Village of Rushville!
Just released by the Village of Rushville in collaboration with the Department of City and Regional Planning at Cornell University:
Village of Rushville Village Park Renovation & Reconstruction (PDF; 4MB)
Village of Rushville Village Park Renovation & Reconstruction (PDF; 4MB)